The Election Commission, which accused the State Counselor and the President, could not clearly show evidence of improper use of influence.

The Election Commission, which accused the State Counselor and the President, could not clearly show evidence of improper use of influence.

People close to the court said that the prosecution could not present any evidence regarding the improper use of influence on the Election Commission, which has accused three national leaders, including State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

U Aung Myo Lwin, Director of the Union Election Commission under the Military Council, sued State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. President U Win Myint and Union Cabinet Office Minister U Min were charged under Section 130(a), which carries a prison sentence of up to three years.

The prosecution alleges that President U Win Myint had undue influence when he met with Union Election Commission Chairman U Hla Thein and members at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw on May 21, 2019, before the election was held.

In that meeting, the plaintiff claimed that the President had instructed to amend Election Rule 10. In response to the plaintiff’s application, the accused’s lawyer’s team in 2019 The May 22 issue of the state-owned newspaper has been presented and rebutted.

“Light of Burma, Mirror 22.5.2019 Newspapers are all accurate, Regarding the vote, it is completely without the 10 other procedures to be done in order for the vote to be correct. to make sure the voting list is correct; They only asked about three main things, including security,” said a source.

At the last July 8 trial, President U Win Myint testified that he did not give any instructions regarding Rule 10.

Rule 10: Migrants within Burma, The article aims to enable migrant workers to vote, and if they want to vote in their constituency, they must have lived for at least 180 days instead of the previous provision of 90 days.

On their side, they can’t assert that about method 10 either. I just said, There is no such thing as a specific defense, presentation and proof,” he said.

Another thing that has been accused against President U Win Myint is related to an instruction letter issued on August 4, 2020 by the Ministry of Union Cabinet Office, where U Min was the Union Minister.

The letter is a letter instructing the regions and states to form support groups for the correctness of voter lists. “Prime Ministers commit vote fraud after the leaders of the group are there. Allegedly created. They accused this account of being responsible because this letter was released,” he said.

In addition, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counselor, and U Min An, the Union Minister of the Union Cabinet Office under the NLD government, have also been charged in connection with the letter.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said there was no improper use of influence in the voter registration process. that it was carried out only in accordance with the procedure; He testified at the trial on July 15 that there was absolutely no interference in the preparation of the vote list.

People close to the court community said that the plaintiff’s side alleged that such support groups were formed and committed vote fraud, but they could not show any solid evidence.

In addition, it is said that there are more than 11 million ballot errors, but who is responsible for these more than 11 million? Details such as which township it is in cannot be presented.

According to sources close to the court community, the lawyer team of the three accused pointed out that the prosecution could not provide sufficient evidence and filed a plea on August 26 that the accused should not be punished.

The case, which started to be examined in February this year, will be decided on September 2. The last general election of 2020 had weaknesses in the election process, but the results of the election were in accordance with the opinion of the majority of voters, according to election monitoring groups.