NUG stated that the incident of a lady being  shot and murdered in Tamu is in contravention of the Military Code of Conduct and will take the action seriously. The National Unity Government announced that the incident of a woman ...

3 villages from Salingyi Township burned down by the junta terrorists At 7 am on December 6, the military force raided Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division and burned down 3 villages. The local source said that the military force started torching ...

Breaking News: The military council court sentenced 7 Dagon University students who were leading anti-military activists to death. According to Dagon University student sources, 7  Dagon University students who were activists against the military dictatorship were sentenced to death by ...

Three dead and several injured at the mining site in Payathonsu, Kyain Seikgyi Township by Military Junta’s air stike 16 November 2022, Yangon In the early morning of 16th November, the lead mining site near Thapyu Village, Payathonsu, Kyain Seikgyi ...

20 members of the military council were killed in the battle of Moebyal township, and two of the KNDF joint forces were killed. Obtain military equipment of the military council 20 members of the military council were killed in the ...

Battles continue to rage over the city of Moebyal  and the military council troops are being bombarded by fighter jets The Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) announced on the evening of September 9 that the fighting between the military council ...

16 houses were burned down by the Military Council in Oh Pho Village, Myaing Township According to local residents, the military council forces burned down Oh Pho village, which has about 180 houses in Myaing Township, Magway District, at around ...

Sagaing Division It is reported that Zeyawati village, which is about six miles southwest of Ye Oo township, was set on fire by the military council army at around 7:00 a.m. on August 13th. A local resident said that 59 ...