Three dead and several injured at the mining site in Payathonsu, Kyain Seikgyi Township by Military Junta’s air stike

Three dead and several injured at the mining site in Payathonsu, Kyain Seikgyi Township by Military Junta’s air stike

16 November 2022,

Yangon In the early morning of 16th November, the lead mining site near Thapyu Village, Payathonsu, Kyain Seikgyi Township,Karen State was air strike by two military aircraft and reported at least three dead and eight injured including Chinese citizens.

Air strike was happened at 1:40 am of 16the November and those mining sites are running by the joint venture of Myanmar and China.

“Even though the site is in the Brigade 6 area, that mining site is not related with KNU. It is permitted by the Government since long ago. Some Chinese citizen were also dead during that air stirke” mentiond by the KNU source.

One of the local rescue team members said that No.6 lead mining site which is 18 miles away from the Payathonsu border town was bombed by the military jet fighter at 1:40 am today, three Chinese citizens were dead on the spot, eight people are severely injured and sent them to Payathonsu Hospital.

No.6 lead mining site was re-running recently together by the Chinese and local business men.

One of the SAC source confirmed that mining site was run by the permission of SAC.

The aircrafts those attacked the mining site are from Hmaw Bi Air Force Base.

The incident happened in the Dupalaryar District administration area of KNU Brigade 6. In that area the clashes between the junta’s troops and KNLA are happening almost every day.