The Military Council informed the court that the arrested Matupi Township Fanai villager had been killed

The Military Council informed the court that the arrested Matupi Township Fanai villager had been killed

According to family members, the military council informed the court that the husband and wife of Fanai village, who were arrested on July 28th on suspicion of being in contact with the Local Defense Force (CDF) in Matupi Township, had been killed on August 23rd last, according to family members.

Last July 16, six civilians were arrested by the Military Council in connection with the killing of Intelligence Major Than Naing Win of the Kha.La.Ya (140) Battalion based in Matupi by the People’s Defense Forces.

”Our family members were informed by the court; U Lon Um (b) U Htang Naw was killed last August 23. His wife was released, Now, they don’t even dare to do a proper funeral at home,” said a family member of the deceased.

It is also reported that the deceased who was killed by the military council forces left three children, and the eldest son has reached the Indian side. At present, there are around four people who were arrested by the military council forces in Matupi town and killed by the military strategy unit without filing a case in court, among them a religious pastor from Ngalai village.