Onions are root vegetables that in the same group member of garlic, leek and chives. Health benefits of onions are recognized since ancient time. The medical document of Charaka Samhita mentioned onion as medicinal plant. A Greek physician from 1 ...

Cultural Heritage of Yangon According to the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Regions Law (1998), the buildings or sites that had existed before 1886 or which have been determined as cultural heritage regions by the Government are subject to ...

Keep Surviving This is not about telling you how life can be beautiful or how a life is so hard to get like most Burmese people say. This is about telling you my story of how I keep surviving. I’m ...

Population and Demography of Yangon Yangon is the most populous region in Myanmar. Because of the metropolitan area of Yangon, the economic center of Myanmar has been attracting domestic as well as international investment and growing rapidly. YUMRT alignment falls ...

The Power of No “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” According to Peter Drucker, one of the most well-known and influential thinkers on management. I believe the quote to mean ...

Dictatorship with the Chance of US Parliamentary Legislation about Myanmar Affair Last year 2022, there were less pages concerned with Myanmar Affairs in the Indo-Pacific Strategy of the National Defense Authorization Act of United States. In the NDAA 2023, there ...

Which type of oil is best for hot scalp ? We all know that oils have so much benefits for hair Mostly, we use coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, castor oil, etc But what some people don’t notice is ...

How to get rid of depression ? We all are human beings. We may have depression, stress, or pressure dealing with school, work, personal, or even relationships. Depression might bring a lot of consequences. You may probably want to give ...

NUG stated that the incident of a lady being  shot and murdered in Tamu is in contravention of the Military Code of Conduct and will take the action seriously. The National Unity Government announced that the incident of a woman ...

3 villages from Salingyi Township burned down by the junta terrorists At 7 am on December 6, the military force raided Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division and burned down 3 villages. The local source said that the military force started torching ...