How to get rid of depression ?

How to get rid of depression ?

We all are human beings. We may have depression, stress, or pressure dealing with school, work, personal, or even relationships. Depression might bring a lot of consequences. You may probably want to give up what you are doing or you might want to leave everything and run away. Here, I want to share some methods of living to reduce your negative mindsets. However, this may not remove or get rid of all of your depression and stress.
First of all, you should always remember that things are temporary. Some may be bad some may be memorable. Accept the things that are happening in front of you. Nothing in this world last for so long. Live your life as a life. Do your hobby, follow your passion and enjoy your life. You may think a lot of people are better than you but on the other hand, a lot of people are also suffering than you. You can cry if you feel sad. You may celebrate if you feel happy. I understand most of the things are bad around you. You can’t choose your destiny but you have the option to choose how you want to live or how you want to grow up. The worst thing in the world isn’t being alone, it is being surrounded by people who make you feel alone. There are a lot of ways to stay positive alone. I understand money is kind of important to stay happier.

Appreciate yourself. You are far way better than you think. Always find what you enjoy and know your strengths.
You might feel frustrated, you might feel disappointed when you don’t accomplish your goals or when failed. Always remember failing is not the end of the world. You might fail thousands of times. Life is not exactly what motivational speakers said. Sometimes, you may fail thousands of times and never get up. Being depressed about your life is a kind of a waste of time. You have very limited time to live in this world. Whether it is good or bad, you have to leave behind after you have passed away.
How you gonna live is up to you. Things are happening around the world. Only know the things that might make you happy. Protect the environment, adapt to society, relax, help those who are weaker than you, and learn from those who are stronger than you. You have no time to get depressed. Even though this world has no place for you, you have you. As long as you enjoy your life, life is so much more meaningful. You deserve to be happy. Spend your time with old people, and underage children and experience things you have never imagined.
You can cry if you are sad. That does not mean you are weak, you had been strong for too long. Life may be hard sometimes. But, the answer is just around the corner. When you face difficulties, get depressed, or be strong it depends on you.
I understand some of the difficulties are inevitable. You might have family issues, personal issues, work pressures, and relationship problems. Remember these are not your falses. You should try to fix this. Don’t get depressed. Problems are like a boiling pot on your palm. You sometimes have to let it go.
Lastly, never compare yourself with gifted people. Don’t blame your fate. Every time you feel depressed, just keep in mind things will be better. You have to believe in yourself because you are the strongest person in your world.