The military council announced that the people who fired shock missiles at the Moe Kaung Yadana Children’s Hospital in Yanking Township were arrested

Yangon, Yanking Township The military council said that those who shot the Moe Kaung Yadana Children’s Hospital in Moe Kaung Street with shock missiles on July 21, along with their weapons, were captured within this month.

The news was announced through the television media under the Military Council. August 4th with guns. “They were arrested on the 6th and 7th,” the news release said.

Among those involved in the incident, Than Naing, the driver who transported the attackers, and Filter Car, were arrested on August 4. On the 6th, Shwe Pytha Township, (5) Jelly who lives in Daw Lwin Lwin Thet dormitory in the ward and The person who oversees the attack

Mike ( Zaw Gyi) at his residence in Ward 6 of Shwe Pyithar Township and Nine stun missiles were found in the home of Dr. Pyae Phyo Paing ( Ko Pyae), Shwe Pyithar Township, (T/16) Ward, who arranged to hide and store the stun missiles. Nine bullets, a Sigsauer pistol; two ammunition houses; a Glock pistol; two ammunition houses; 75 bullets of 380 points; 50 rounds of 9mm bullets He said he was caught with a silencer.

On August 7th, Pinda ( Min Min Oo), who monitored the situation in Shwepaukkan district, (21) He was also arrested from a house in the neighborhood.

The incident happened on July 21. It is not known whether or not there was any loss or damage due to the explosion that occurred near the Myawaddi Media Center at around 9:48 p.m. There was no report that the attack was carried out by any organization or individual.

It was only when the military council-affiliated media channel announced the incident that day that it was discovered that the attack on Moe Kaung Yadana Children’s Hospital was fired with shock missiles.