Although the water has receded on the main roads of Yangon, the streets in the neighborhood are still flooded

Although the water has receded on the main roads of Yangon, the streets in the neighborhood are still flooded

The record heavy rain caused by strong monsoon winds has caused flooding in Yangon city. By afternoon, the water level has receded on the main roads, but the local streets in some townships are still flooded, according to residents.

It is reported that the sewer overflowed and the water reached the alleys, so some houses had water entering the house. “In the morning, the yard was full. Coming up from the yard, the front room filled up to the living room. Now it has gone down a bit, but the water around the yard is still full. If it continues to rain like this, the water will only rise,” said a resident of North Dagon Township.

Similarly, a resident of Thaketa Township said about the situation of water entering their house. “In the morning, water entered my sister’s house. Now that the rain has stopped, I have taken it outside and put the things in place. In the yard and place to take off shoes. I entered the entire front room, starting from where I took off my shoes. “The water in the yard is still there when I clear the water from the house,” he said.