Karenni State The Karenni Army and KNDF B17 B14 were able to seize the Sokot Camp Point No. (5350) of the Military Council Army on the Shan-Kayah border in Shataw Township, the Karenni Army and KNDF B17 , B14 announced ...

It is reported that a Military Council column stationed near a cemetery outside of Hakha City in Chin State was attacked and five Military Council soldiers were killed. “They approached the military council troops stationed at the cemetery on the ...

Karenni State On August 18, the Karenni Revolutionary Army KRU reported that six members of the military council were killed and many were injured in a clash between the military council and the Karenni coalition stationed in Gontha village of ...

Karen State Myawady District In Kok Krait Township, on August 17th, there was a fierce battle starting around 5:00 p.m., until the Military Council used armored cars.   New Village, Kokkraet Township Military council army and KNLA in Kamai Gone ...