Two soliders were killed by a sniper at the military council camp in Dawn Ta Char Watergate, Loikaw Township

Two soliders were killed by a sniper at the military council camp in Dawn Ta Char Watergate, Loikaw Township

KNDF (B-02) reported today, September 7, that two soldiers of the Military Council were shot by snipers from the military council camp at Dawn Ta Char  Watergate in Loikaw Township, Karenni State.

It is said that the camp was shot exactly eight times with a sniper.

It is reported that the Military Council side fired and attacked with many heavy weapons for a long time, but the KNDF side was not injured and was able to retreat.

In order to achieve better results, we need not only love and energy from the public, but also bullets, so we urge everyone to continue to participate in the revolution as much as possible.