It is said that 20 soldiers of the Military Council were killed during the battle of Moe Byal and their weapons and ammunition were confiscated

It is said that 20 soldiers of the Military Council were killed during the battle of Moe Byal and their weapons and ammunition were confiscated

According to a person close to Moe Byal PDF, military council soldiers and local defense forces entered Moe Byal  township from Warisuplai village near Moe Byal township, which is bordering Shan and Karenni states.

It is said that around 400 military council troops marched near the church in Moe Byal township from 9 o’clock in the morning yesterday, September 8th.

“The battle until 2:00 A.M was very intense, weapons and ammunition were seized, and we can say that at least 20 people were killed on the side of the Terrorist military council. The battle is still fierce,” a person close to Moe Byal PDF told .

During the battle, a carp tail from the military council. Three little machines, A total of 10 weapons, including an RPG, were seized, Karenni’s Voice reported.

In yesterday’s battle, the military council forces fired continuously with heavy weapons, while civilians were killed and homes were reportedly destroyed.

The attack was published in Moe Byal  PDF, KA, KNDF , KRU and URF attacked together, and during the battle, some of the soldiers were shot and wounded in close range and were given medical treatment. This morning, in Moe Byal township, the military council army and local joint defense forces are fighting fiercely.