Solid Waste Management System in Yangon Area

Solid waste management services are provided in the surrounding areas of Yangon. Various wastes from households, restaurants, bazars, hospitals and other places are collected by using bell- ringing system and then these wastes are disposed to the dumping sites, or by means of land filling. As mentioned above, there are two land fill site in the vicinity of YUMRT alignment; Hta Wal Chaung Final Disposal Site in North Dagon township and Htein Pin final
disposal site in Hlaing Thayar township. They daily accept approx. 1,000 tons and 1,500 tons respectively. The remained capacity of Hta Wal Chaung will be exhausted within 2 or 3 years, but the capacity of Htein Pin will be accured for over 5 years with the assist of advanced technology funded by UN-Habitat, Fukuoka City, Japan and Poland. In near future, dumping sites are also planned with the regional operation system of Yangon Regional

Yangon has established an efficient system of waste collection. The collection staffs is engaged to collect the waste two time a day-morning (from 6:00am to 10:00 am) and evening (6:00 pm to 11:00)

Sewage System

The existing sewerage system collects and treats only toilet wastewater (black water), and grey water is discharged to storm water drain without treatment. In addition wastewater collecting system is unique so called β€œejector system” which was introduced by British in 19th century. Ejector system was designed based on the design wastewater flow and the capacity of the system will be insufficient for the design wastewater flow in 2040. In addition to separate and combined systems, interceptor sewerage system can be considered as temporary system. Interceptor sewerage system is finally converted to conventional systems. Conventional Sewerage System consists of:

  1. Gravity sewers
  2. 39 pneumatic ejector stations
  3. Air distribution main
  4. Two sewage force mains and outlet

The sewage system operated by Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) is constructed only in the central business district area. Sewage system is in general divided into two categories, viz. separate system and combined
system. In addition to separate and combined systems, interceptor sewerage system can be considered as temporary system. Interceptor sewerage system is finally converted to conventional systems. There are no YCDC regulations regarding sewerage system.

  1. Existing sewerage system is separate system
  2. Rainfall intensity is very high resulting in excessively large diameter of
    combined pipes
  3. Rainfall runoff is easily collected and discharged to nearby rivers and creeks
  4. Reduction of pollutant load is larger than that of combined system, and this is
    an advantage for water pollution control.

The sewage system operated by YCDC is constructed only in the central business district area. The development of sewage system in Yangon area is the major issue and its future service is planned to cover 50% of the population to cover in 2040. Conversely, advanced sewage water treatment system is probable to be installed in the future industrial development in Thanlyin and Kyauktan Townships in securing its competitiveness. The sewage systems in
these areas do not need to be connected to other sewage networks and could be operated independently.